Fun Five on Friday 12/16/22

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  1. I’ve been sick. No C19, but just the regular ol’ crud. I’m not sure if this list will hit 5 this week LOL.
  2. I did something I never thought I’d do. After moving into Hubby’s house I still had a Basement of Doom of boxes. I’ve unpacked some enough to live a ‘lil, but working 7 days a week has just taken it out of me. I thought about taking some PTO time after the New Year, but even then I feel like I will just go crazy in the meantime when I go on goose chases down there looking for particular items & I know the project will just be overwhelming. So I hired a cleaning company to deep clean this bachelor pad & help me organize & make this house a home I can really feel comfortable in, instead of a guest intruding. I always thought a cleaning company was an extravagant & unnecessary use of my money, but I already feel a million times better & I had a great crew & this was worth the investment for sure.
  3. Check out my take on Name Bubbles labels. I am definitely taking part of this in 2023.